Fishermen @ C


I learned about the artist J. M. W. Turner last month through the Google Art Project New Chrome Tab extension. He is known as “the painter of light” and after looking at some of his works, I agree with that statement.

Fisherman at Sea painting by J. M. W. Turner

Seeing the great use of light in J. M. W. Turner's Fishermen at Sea, I decided I'd try emulating it but in pixel art style. This was a lot more ambitious than my previous works, and it definitely stretched my skills. It took a month of drawing sessions (mostly in the morning on the couch at breakfast), but I finally finished it.

Two fishing boats on a dark sea, drawn in pixel art style.

It really made me appreciate how J. W. M. Turner must have spent even more time and had even more skill to create such a beautiful, realistic scene using paint.

Timelapse of drawing the pixel art fishing boats.