Cherry Blossom Pixel Art


My brother, Jon Swast, is living in Japan and has posted some very beautiful pictures of the cherry blossoms there and in Korea. I found this one to be particularly beautiful and decided to use it as a reference for practicing pixel art.

A cherry tree in full blossom hanging over a pond–by Jon Swast.

I had been itching to draw some more pixel art, so I used this photo as a template. For this 64 pixels by 64 pixels image, I used colors from the photo itself for the color palette.

cherry tree 64 by 64 pixels with color palette from photo

I think it turned out well. This is actually the sixth picture that I drew using this photo. I also drew it at 32 pixels by 32 pixels with the same color palette.

pixel art tree 32 by 32 pixels with color palette from photo

And at 16 by 16 pixels.

cherry tree 16 by 16 pixels with color palette from photo

For the other drawings, I drew them at the same three sizes, but used the color palette bundled with Pixaki, which is the app I used to draw all of these images.

cherry tree 64 by 64 pixels with pixaki color palette
cherry tree 32 by 32 pixels with pixaki color palette
cherry tree 16 by 16 pixels with pixaki color palette

Overall, this was a fun project. It was quite relaxing to draw these on the plane and just before bed time. The 16 by 16 pixel art trees are difficult to tell what they are, but it was nice to start there since it helped me choose the colors to use. The drawings appear in this article in the reverse order that I drew them.